मुटु नै काप्ने अजिङ्गर र चितुवाको घमाशान आक्रमण हेर्नुहोश भिडियोमा!!!

Pythons are among the largest species of snakes. They are non-ven*0mous but their size keeps up with it. They are con$tr!ctors i.e they use their extra $trong mu$cled to sque*eze their pray. When the pray $uffoc@te and d!e they sw@llow them whole. Pythons have very strong dige$tive flu!d. They can easily d!gest l@rge preys.

Pythons are known to cho*w down to very large preys. This video is proof of it. The snake slowly moves on to its prey that is the hu*ge deer. Pythons have very weak eyesight, they rather use their snake as a heat and motion dete*ctor to find out what is around them. The snake then slowly t!lts back and @tt@cks the deer. It gr@bs the deer by its head and starts squeez!ng. The deer gets restle$s and finally suffoc@tes to de@th. Then the python starts to slowly sw@llow the deer. the python is so large that it does not take a minute to sw@llow the whole deer.Pythons are also known to pu*ke what they ate back if they are not able to digest it for a long time or even if the prey is too hu*ge and they have h@rd time to move.
A python can survive about a month after having such heavy prey.

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